The Logic of Interest Rates
Ok, I get it, you are supposed to pay your way through college; this sentiment makes about as much sense as the notion that everyone should go to college. The question surrounding these two statements is which one is more ridiculous?
As a teacher, it was school policy to tell every child (high school mind you) that they could go to Harvard, land on the moon, do anything that wished to. Of course, this statement was typically followed by "no, on the map, Mexico is the country that is below the United States...Canada is above the US. My point? Not everyone should have a liberal arts education, some people are meant to be mechanics, hairdressers, etc. As a teacher I stressed that these were good fields; they paid better than working in education, that's for sure.
We have no qualms about telling the fat kid that it's not realistic for him to expect that he can be a male model or the next Michael Jordan, but we cannot tell a kid with average intelligence that he should go the vocational route? Our fearless Idiot...I mean leader speaks of 'no child left behind' which is a nice phrase with no practical application. WHY? WHY must every child excel academically? Most adults specialize in certain areas...the ones who are good at writing are not so hot at applied physics. Doctors are not typically the greatest literary critics. Yet that is ok for adults but not for children?
Let us not forget that the "Un-elected War-Monger who stole the Presidency" is not exactly what one would call a thinker, leader, reader, or academic. But for the family legacy, he would have been lucky to get a degree from www.icannotgetadegreeanywhereelse. com. (For my Red State Viewers...and everyone from Texas & Georgia, that is not a real site) If this 'man' has his way, schools with challenged students who fail to perform at the level of their well off peers, will be financially punished as a means of 'encouraging them to improve academic performance. Here's an idea brainiac...
first...try going into a classroom (w/out being high) and seeing what real people do for a living.
Second...try to grasp the concept that people learn differently & at different paces & that schools are supposed to help them, not label & hinder them. really hard on grasping the concept that poor people who do not have educated families & environments tend to have a more challenging road to academic achievement...hint...don't take funds away about paying teachers a decent one greater than the cost of daycare...who knows...if the government supports education & pays its teachers, then there may be an increased chance of getting qualified people in the schools.
I know that I am just spit-balling, but maybe better teachers, better programs, & an environment where all children can succeed seems like a good plan to truly leave no child behind & a way to improve our nation. In bushspeak...we would have smarter & happier kids that you could send off to die in foreign nations for no reason.
Now, just a brief bit about loans...after sending legions of kids to college who shouldn't be there along with the smaller percentage who should, the question of finance always pops up. So we all take out loans...again...not good for teachers b/c they never really make enough to pay back what they borrowed...but I loans, loans, loans, & now here's a good bushism...raise the interest rates...
I KNOW, I KNOW, 'freedom is hard work...we got to bomb the crap out of 3rd world countries for no reason, make everyone in the world hate us, spend millions doing it, then spend millions more rebuilding them. Never mind the fact the gulf coast is still swimming in its own sewage, never mind the fact that the middleclass is going under, all that matters is that bush has his fun. But I do like his the war by raising interest rates on student loans...why not take more from those who can least afford it? Why not guarantee that they can never buy a house or plan for the future...good idea need to end a senseless war or charge the wealthiest 1%.